Clifford T. Wellman Jr. lives in the Northern Michigan area with his wife. He enjoys hunting in the fall and boating in the summer. He has been interested in Bible prophecy for more than twenty years. The inspiration for The Road to Revelation series came to him while he was hunting in Northern Michigan. While sitting in woods, thinking about the world events, Clifford felt a clear calling to write a book. Thirty five days later the first draft was complete. God is alive and well, especially in the great outdoors.

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It is my mission to help facilitate the rebirth of as many Christians as possible prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is my hope that The Road to Revelation series will spark interest in the Bible.

My Faith
I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, was born of a virgin, and that he died on the cross. I believe that he was raised from the dead on the third day. I believe that he ascended into heaven and will come again soon. I believe his sacrifice has created a new covenant with God, that if we accept, delivers our salvation by His grace through faith.

My Perspective
We are watching and waiting for the return of Jesus. On that day, Jesus will be triumphant over evil. There will be signs that tell us that his arrival is near. These signs are prophesied in many books of the Bible. I have done my best to articulate the meaning of such prophecy in this website. One of those signs will be the arrival of the lawless one, also known by many as the antichrist. I believe that it is important to provide a place of origin for the antichrist, so that we may better focus our energies on events coming out of that area of the world. However, this does not mean that we should close our eyes and ears on other view points.

I believe that the antichrist will emerge from the Islamic world. Joel Richardson provides a very good argument for this believe, in his book "The Islamic Antichrist". I'm sure that this statement will draw fire from many areas, but it is what I believe, and until that belief has been found incorrect, that is where my perspective will come from. Rather than regurgitate everything from Richardson's book, I will simply refer to it on occasion.